The Georgia HOA Alliance is a coalition of Georgia communities dedicated to building quality neighborhoods that are economically sustainable while creating safe and healthy environment. We work to make Georgia a better place to live, work, and play.
To develop, strenghten, and protect Georgia neighborhood associations through education, programs, and legislation.

The Georgia HOA Alliance is a Georgia nonprofit founded in 2014 to unite and empower residents and homeowners associations. Currently, the board of directors include: Corroll Driskell, CEO, Karen Blackmon, CFO, Marvin Arrington, Jr. Secretary, and Gabriella Tory, member.
To provide HOA leadership with opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences.
To develop mutually beneficial relationships with HOA members, leaders, and other communities throughout Georgia.
To ensure that the HOAs in Georgia can provide the necessary leadership, services, and programs to meet the health, safety and welfare needs of their members.
To develop and maintain an organization structure where ideas can be shared and discussed therefore enabling GHA to speak with a unified voice.